Sunday School 2024: Lesson Thirty-Seven: THE GIFT OF MUSIC 


But now bring me a musician.” Then it happened, when the musician played, that the hand of the LORD came upon him.

(2 Kings 3:15).

Music is a gift in the body of Christ. This should help gifted Christian musicians with the right attitudes to the exercise of their gifts; not selfishly, but with heaven in perspective.


Mon. Sept. 30: Praise Him For His Love (Psa. 101:1)
Tue. Oct. 1: Praise Him With Shouts Of Joy (Psa. 66:1-4)
Wed. Oct. 2: Praise Him With The Instruments (Psa. 150:3-5)
Thur. Oct. 3: Praise Him With A New Song (Psa. 98:1-6)
Fri. Oct.4: Praise Him Always (Psa. 34:13)
Sat. Oct. 5: Praise: Our Calling (1 Pet. 2:9)


Any musician, choir inclusive, that cannot host God’s presence while ministering is only an entertainer.


TEXTUAL SOURCE: GENESIS 4:21; EXODUS 15:19-21; SAMUEL 16:16,17,18,23; 18:6-8;2 KINGS 3:15-18;2 CHRONICLES 20:1- -5,20-24

Blessed be the name of the Lord, in, and through Whom we have been undoubtedly blessed by His Word. The last lesson has succinctly enlightened our hearts on The Gift of Artistry. God initiates and funds projects. Also, we have been taught that God is the One who gives the gift of craftsmanship.

This week has the topic: THE GIFT OF MUSIC. We shall learn the significance of Music and how certain Bible characters maximised their God-given g gift of Music to honour God and conquer kingdoms The place of the gift of Music in our worship and its resultant effects on our relationship with God and: fellow I brethren are also emphasised.

As we sit at the feet of the Master to learn, may we enjoy His presence and be stirred towards a more acceptable and fulfilling worship life. Amen.





(Gen. 4:21; Exo. 15:19-21; 1 Sam. 16:17,18; 18:6-8)

Then Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took the timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances

(Exo. 15:20).

a) Music is a great gift of God to His people. It is the ability to use one’s voice in singing praises to the Lord, or play a musical instrument to praise the LORD and for the benefit of others

b) Gen. 4:21: The first musician in the Bible is Jubal, the son of Lamech. He is described as the father of all who play stringed instruments and pipes.

c) Exo. 15:20,21: Miriam was (female) musician who used her musical gift in leading the women to praise God for their victory over the Egyptians.

d) 1 Sam. 16:17,18: David was very gifted in music. This is evident in the numerous compositions of Psalms and songs that play a very important role in our worship and spirituality today, connecting us to our essence – God (Psa. 98:1-7; 150:1-5; Eph.5:19).

e) 18:6-8: Any music that doesn’t lead us to express praise to the glory of our Creator and draw us closer to Him shouldn’t be welcomed in the Church (2 Chr 5:12-14; Am. 6:4-8)

f) Spirituality is not the hallmark of excellence, yet, mediocrity is not a fruit of the Spirit. Make a full proof of your gift by developing and nurturing it (2 Tim. 4:5)


(1 Sam. 16:16,23; 2 Kgs. 3:15-18; 2 Chro. 20:1-5,20-24)

Now when they began to sing and to praise, the LORD set ambushes against the people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah; and they were defeated

(2 Chro. 20:22).

a) 2 Chro. 20:1-5: Obedience to divine instruction guarantees victory: How many years would it have taken to break the wall of Jericho with human tools? God chooses the strategy He wills to deliver our victory to us (cf. Exo. 14:13-14; 1 Sam. 2:9; Psa. 20:7).

b) vv. 20-21: …the priests shall blow the trumpets. The blowing of the trumpet signifies victory celebration, not battle (v, 2). An attitude and act of praise unto God is a proof of our faith in His promises.

c) 1Sam.16:16,23: The tormenting spirit was from the LORD. Thus, only a man with the gift of music by the Spirit of the LORD would calm it and stop its activity-deliverance (cf. Matt. 12:24ff).

d) 2 Kgs.3:15-18:…when the musician played , ..the hand of the LORD came upon the prophet, bringing the solution to the persistent problem of lack of water (v. 16) as well as an assurance of the God-prepared victory for Kings Joram and Jehoshaphat (vv.18-19).

e) 2 Chro. 20:20-24: These God-appointed gifted singers, led by the spiritually guided King Jehoshaphat, were divinely used to bring about the needed victory to the people. not a single enemy had escaped (v. 24b NLT).

f) The popular saying, “Whenever prayer seems not working, try praise”, is a derivation of several testimonies from God’s children.


  1. The gift of music is a gift that allows us to worship our Creator, as it lifts our spirit and brings us closer to God’s presence.
  2. When we employ the gift of music, we stand to enjoy the record victory God has for us over seemingly difficult life’s challenges.


  1. What differentiates a gospel musician from a non-gospel musician?
  2. Is the gift of music properly utilised in our churches today?


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