Sunday School 2024: Lesson Thirty-Five – THE GIFTS OF ORGANISING AND SERVING


Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ

Galatians 6:2

God gives some Christians exceptional ability to organise His people, programmes and projects in such orderly manner, even as they work to serve God and Christ’s body. It is necessary for order in our churches.


Mon. 16: Organising Aids Effective Distribution (Acts 4:36)
Tue. 17: Precedes Sacrifice (1 Kg. 18:33)
Wed. 18 Organising Prevents Wastage (Jn. 6:12)
Thur. 19: Love (Jn.21:16)
Fri. 20: Serving Exemplifies Good Neighbourliness (Lk. 10:36)
Sat. 21: Serving ls performed In Humility (Acts 20:19)


One can be gifted to serve, but you cannot successfully administer


TEXTUAL SOURCE: GENESIS 1:1-31; 2:15; JOHN 12:26; 13:4-7; ACTS 6.1-7; 9:36-39; ROMANS 12:7; 16:1-2; 1 CORINTHIANS 14:40

Last week, we began Unit 5: THE GIFTS OF LEADERSHIP AND ADMINISTRATION. we were able to see that successful leadership and administration are not only learnt but also require being gifted and empowered.

This week, we are looking at: THE GIFTS OF ORGANISING AND SERVING. These two gifts are subsets of leadership and administration but they play different roles in the Body of Christ. Our God is the God order and orderliness. To attain this feat, the gift of organising is important. There are some areas, departments and units in our local assemblies, and in the Body of Christ, that are not in public view, but deficiency in such areas brings setbacks. To forestall such, the gift of serving becomes imperative. People with these gifts love to be “silent labourers”. They may not be popular, but their impacts are.





(Gen. 1:1-31; 2:15; Acts Gen. 1:1-31; 2:15; Acts 6:1-7; Cor: 14: 33, 40)

Let all things be done decently and in order

(1 Cor. 14:40).

a) 1 Cor. 14:40: order comes from Grk. taxis, meaning regular arrangement, or making adequate preparations. A person with the motivational gift of organising is able to accomplish tasks and solve problems through analysis and delegation (cf. Exo. 18:21-26).

b) v 33: God is the first Organiser. The Creation story shows order (Gen.1:1-31) He made all that man needed before creating man.

c) 2:15: After the creation of man, God, the Great Organiser, charged man to work the ground and keep it in order. Adam was equipped and gifted As an organiser so as to keep the garden in order.

d) Acts 6:1: The gift is needed in the wake of growth/multiplication. Administration, without organising, is a direct invitation of conflict. The primary motivation of an organiser is to inspire others to complete a task. How? By discerning the strengths and weaknesses of others, and deploying them accordingly.

e) v. 3: Making “wisdom” part of the qualifications here implies that the gifted organiser needs the grace of wisdom for effectiveness. They go hand in hand. The organiser focuses on who can do the job best, and that is wisdom.

f) v: 7: By this gift, the Apostles were able to quell the murmurings that threatened their growth, God’s Word spread further and the disciples multiplied.


(Rom. 12:7; 16:1-2 Acts 9:36-39; John12:26; 13:4-7)

Or ministry, let us use it in our ministering; he who teaches, in teaching

(Rom. 12:7).

a) Rom. 12:7: “Ministry” is from diakonia/diakonos, which means to serve, to run errands, a waiter at the table or in other menial duties. If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well (T LB).

b) The gift of serving combines the gifts of help and mercy. The gifted identifies undone tasks and uses available resources to get them done voluntarily. The gift is the ability to serve God by providing for the material and spiritual needs of others.

c) A server’s basic drive is to lovingly, diligently, willingly and sacrificially meet practical needs. The gifted just want to fill in the gaps and do whatever needs to be done and are motivated by scriptures, like John 12:26; Gal. 2 Tim. 1:16-18; Tit. 3:14.

d) 16:1-2: Phoebe manifested this gift in that she placed herself at the disposal of the Church at Cenchrea in order to render assistance (cf. 2Tim. 1:16-18). People with the gift of service ensure that things are done rightly and well.

e) Acts 6:2ff: These deacons didn’t have the gift of organising alone, but also exhibited the gift of serving (waiting on tables).

f) 9:36ff: Tabitha exercised her own gift of serving by helping the poor (v. 36 NIV). It didn’t go unrewarded (Jn. 12:26; Gal. 6:9-10).

g) Jn. 13:4-7: Jesus’ example in serving is seen in washing the disciples, feet. This gift is the bedrock of all other spiritual gifts; it operates in humility (Mk. 10:42-45; Php. 2:5).


  1. Administration without the gift of organising can lead to church conflict.
  2. The gift of serving focuses on doing small chores that help the ministry, or Church reach her larger objectives.


  1. The gift of organising is pivotal to Church Growth. Discuss.
  2. The gift of serving is embedded in dogged followership. Discuss.


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