Sunday School 2024: Lesson Twenty-Six – FAITH: A POWER GIFT


But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Hebrews 11:6

The gift of faith is a power gift by which the Holy Spirit works through the gifted in a mustard seed-like faith that moves mountains.


The gift of faith is a testament to the boundless potential of the human spirit in cooperation with the Holy Spirit.



We discussed Gift of Giving in our last lesson. Our thanks therefore go to the Almighty God who has enlightened us on the path to receiving more blessings. May we be willing and obedient, in Jesus’ name.

“Faith: A Power Gift” is our focus this week. Faith, an intangible, yet profoundly transformative power gift, transcends the boundaries of the visible world and bestows upon us an extraordinary ability to navigate life’s uncertainties with unwavering confidence and hope. It dynamically ignites our spirits, empowers our actions, and enriches our inner
landscapes, enabling us to believe in the unseen, strive for the seemingly impossible, and transcend limitations. Rooted in the very essence of human experience, it serves as a guiding light in moments of darkness and doubt. It beckons us to trust in the unseen, to embrace the unknown with courage, and to cultivate an unshakeable conviction that propels us forward, even when challenges appear insurmountable.

As we look at faith as a power gift, we pray that our faith will be ignited to soar higher into the realms of the supernatural and work wondrously to the glory of God.




DEFINITION OF FAITH AS A POWER GIFT (Heb. 11:1ff; 1 Cor. 12:9a)

To another faith by the same Spirit… (1 Cor. 12:9a).

1 Corinthians 12:9a

A) Faith is one of the spiritual gifts classified as a power gift.

B) It is an extraordinary and supernatural ability to trust in God with unwavering confidence and believe in His promises, guidance, and miraculous intervention, even in situations that seem impossible, or contrary to human understanding (cf. Jer. 32: 17; Mk. 5:27-29; 10:27; Lk. 1:37; Rom. 4:19-21).

C) It is not the general saving faith that all believers have (Jn. 3:16; Rom.10:17), but a supernatural manifestation of faith given by the Holy Spirit for specific situations and purposes.

D) It is a gift that empowers a believer to have an extraordinary level of trust and confidence in God’s ability to work miracles, provide solutions, and bring about His purposes.

E) Heb. 11:1ff: It is not based on human effort but is a divine enablement to access God’s power and trust Him on a deeper level.

F) Heb. 11:6: We must recognise that the gift of faith operates in conjunction with the believer’s relationship with God, His Word, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

G) Just like love, faith is not meant to be defined, rather, it must be demonstrated.


And being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform.

Romans 4:21

A) Heb. 11:23: Faith demonstrates remarkable confidence in God, even in the midst of seeming impossibilities. It trusts in God’s sovereignty to intervene in miraculous ways (Exo. 2:2).

B) 1 Sam. 7:5ff: Faith prayers often carry a sense of certainty and conviction that God will act (Gen. 4:4; 1 Sam. 7:8-11; Dan. 2:17-19). By faith, the Precious Stone Society started at Saint Saviour’s Anglican Church, Italupe, Ijebu-Ode in July, 1918.

C) Mk. 5:27-29: The gifted have a heightened ability to believe and expect supernatural interventions, and inspire others to do the same. Joseph Ayo Babalola rested in the LORD in 1959 after years of faith demonstration in powerful ways.

D) Gen. 12:1,4: The gift enables believers to step out in obedience, even in uncertainties, trusting God’s provision, guidance, and fulfilment (cf. Rth. 1:16-17; Matt. 14:28-29; Heb. 11:8-10).

E) Acts 11:23-24: The gifted encourages and strengthens the faith of others (cf. Rth. 3:1-4, 11; Acts 13:43; 20:23). In 1917, Pastor D. O. Odubanjo got The Sword of the Spirit Magazine, built his faith through sound doctrine before starting the prayer meeting in Warri, where he was transferred to.

F) This gift empowers individuals to overcome fear and doubt, both in their own lives and when helping others (Jos. 2:8-16).

G) The gift, like other spiritual gifts, is ultimately for God’s glory and the edification of the Church. The gifted should use it in humility, seeking God’s guidance and relying on the Holy Spirit’s leading.


  1. Faith teaches us the importance of patience and trust in the divine programme and timing.
  2. Faith empowers us to take risks and pursue our aspirations, despite potential challenges.


  1. Vividly explain faith as a power gift.
  2. Mention some other demonstration of faith as a power gift apart from the few mentioned in this lesson.


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